August 1 – 17, 2025
The 12th edition of the summer courses on the interpretation of Early Music at the Kunín château.
We are planning this year’s course in Kunín for the period 1-17 August 2025. During these two weeks it will be possible to work with the lecturers in individual lessons or in chamber projects, the exact timing of which is still to be determined.
The course is intended for active participation by professionals, students from specialized music schools and for experienced amateurs with previous experience with Early Music. Active participation is also possible for players of modern instruments with a serious interest in music of earlier periods.
Passive participation is possible for anyone who is interested in baroque and renaissance music and its performance practice. Passive participants can follow the lessons in any of the classes and have free access to concerts and lectures.
For teachers in primary and secondary schools, we offer additional lessons in a course adapted according to the requirements for accreditation within the Ministry of Education’s system for further education for teachers (DVPP). The exact timetable and the calculation of additional lessons within the DVPP programme will be prepared individually based on the participant’s previous experience. Please contact us on for more information.
Basic tuition fee 2.000 CZK (ca. 80 EUR) includes
- active participation – individual lessons / ensemble / workshop lessons / according to the current price list
- free entry to all the concerts within the course
- possibility of performing at the Final concert of participants (in accordance with the lecturer)
- possibility of passive participation on all the lessons
- passive participation – unlimited access to all lessons and concerts
Duration of one teaching unit (lesson): at least 40 minutes.
Price of 1 individual lesson: from 1.000 CZK (ca. 40 EUR), price of 1 ensemble/workshop lesson: from 250 CZK (ca. 10 EUR). The exact price list will be published in February 2025.
Number of teaching units within the ensemble (workshop) are determined for each class individually. We are planning your participation in all lessons and performances of the ensemble of your choice. Exceptions are possible upon agreement with the teacher.
Discount of 20% from the price of additional lessons ordered on top of the basic tuition fee is available for students up to 26 and for members of the Czech Lute Society (discounts may be combined).
We also offer scholarships for those in need in the form of discounts or additional lessons. Feel free to contact us if you think you might be eligible.
Passive participants can follow the lessons in any of the classes and have free access to concerts and lectures – all within the price of the basic tuition fee.
We are offering accommodation in two dormitories of the University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno, rather modest housings with 3 to 6 beds in one room. If possible, we will try to avoid occupying the rooms fully. Sanitary facilities are in the corridor, there is access to little kitchen.
Price per person / per night: 280 CZK (ca. 11 EUR).
We can also recommend you other accommodation possibilities in the area, but they are usually within driving or cycling distance.
Restaurant “U Dobré hraběnky” right in the Kunín château
Breakfast: buffets:
Lunch: soup + choice of 4 main dishes
Dinner: choice of 3 main dishes
(Special discounted prices for course participants will be announced soon.)
Meals will be ordered in advance from the menu that will be sent to participants after the registration of the application form.
Payment for accommodation and meals is added to the course fee.
To apply via the online google form will be available soon.
If you have any questions, please contact us at
Course is organized by: Hudební lahůdky, z.s. (Musical Delicacies society) in co-operation with Česká loutnová společnost, z.s. (Czech Lute Society).
The courses are financially supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic as part of the National Restoration Plan, the European Union – NextGenerationEU and State cultural fund of the Czech Republic.
We are grateful to the Kunin château (warden Mr. Jaroslav Zezulčík, Nový Jičín museum), the Kunín parish (Mons. Dr. Alois Peroutka), the diocese of Ostrava-Opava (organologist Mr. Jiří Krátký), restaurant U dobré hraběnky, and the management of Nový Jičín school farm under VFU Brno for goodwill and pleasant cooperation.

Reports in media (only in czech language):
Zámek Kunín hostil mezinárodní kurz interpretace barokní a renesanční hudby | Celý MS kraj | Zprávy | POLAR TV
Události v regionech – Události v regionech (Ostrava) | Česká televize (
The event is organised by:
Kociánka 69/25b, CZ-612 00 Brno, IČO: 22719458
Contact e-mail for information about courses:
Bank details (fees for the summer courses): Fio banka, a.s., Praha, BIC: FIOBCZPPXXX
account in CZK: 2000181883/2010 IBAN: CZ6020100000002000181883
account in EUR: IBAN: CZ2220100000002600181887
Kociánka 69/25b, CZ-612 00 Brno, IČO: 07090188
e-mail:, web:, Facebook: